Curriculum Design, Power, and Technology with Nadia Moshtagh Razi

Thank you for listening to The Liberated Educator Podcast with Dee Lanier and Ken Shelton. In this episode, the phenomenal Nadia Moshtagh Razi joins the CTP conversation covering
C: Curriculum Design - Taking a look at having to design an African American Literature course from scratch while critiquing Literary Canon that is absent of black voices and perspectives.
P: Power - Acknowledging that teachers have not been trained adequately to understand the history of racism is a challenge to who has the power.
T: Technology - The intentional use of Nadia's Hyperdocs, with the support of the HyperDoc girls (Hey Ladies), to create authentic learning experiences around black culture in literature.
Nadia Moshtagh Razi teaches Freshman English, African American Literature, and AVID at Foothill High School in Pleasanton, California. She is a SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) leader, a level 2 Google Certified Educator, and a blended learning and HyperDoc expert. She has led initiatives throughout her district promoting equitable practices for students of color and LGBTQ+ students and advised the BSU and GSA student clubs. She is a Teach Plus California Senior Policy Fellow, publishing research and legislation on culturally-affirming school environments and teacher diversity. She earned a BA in English Literature and an MEd in Teaching & Learning from the University of California, San Diego.
Twitter- @_MsRazi
Hyperdoc Girls -
Lisa Highfill (@lhighfill)
Kelly Hilton (@kellyihilton)
Kelly Hilton (@kellyihilton)
Music - The Musica Hermit

Nadia Moshtogh Razi
Nadia Moshtagh Razi teaches Freshman English, African American Literature, and AVID at Foothill High School in Pleasanton, California. She is a SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) leader, a level 2 Google Certified Educator, and a blended learning and HyperDoc expert. She has led initiatives throughout her district promoting equitable practices for students of color and LGBTQ+ students and advised the BSU and GSA student clubs. She is a Teach Plus California Senior Policy Fellow, publishing research and legislation on culturally-affirming school environments and teacher diversity. She earned a BA in English Literature and an MEd in Teaching & Learning from the University of California, San Diego.