Choice, Play and Transparency (Sort of) Part 1

Bust noun
noun: bust; plural noun: busts
a worthless thing.
"Was Kwame Brown a bust?"
You know how it is when you walk into a room and a deep conversation is already taken place and you just get sucked into participating? Well, that's what happened during the scheduled recording Ken and Dee had with Jim O'Hagen. In this episode, you get the chance to hear what happens while we get ready to record, either before the guest comes in or with the guest. It doesn’t matter, there is always a debate of some sort before I push record.
This debate is over the conflict between Kwame Brown and the media over rather or not his career was a bust. Jim O’hagan joins in on the fun which serves as a Part 1 to a very meaningful CPT conversation over
C: Choice
P: Play
T: Transparency
James O'Hagan is a leader in connecting and promoting esports in education. He has had a role in starting and growing esports teams in two large urban school districts. He actively promotes esports as being a medium to something more for students beyond the games. His podcast, The Academy of Esports delves into topics surrounding esports and education and connecting into powerful ideas to increase student agency, motivation, and college and career pathways. James is a doctoral candidate at Northern Illinois University in the field of instructional technology and a mostly retired rugby player.
Specialties: Esports, Virtual Learning, Education Technology, 1:1 Deployments, Instructional Design, Transformative Technology, Project Planning, Learning Space Evaluation, Libraries

James O'Hagan
James O'Hagan is a leader in connecting and promoting esports in education. He has had a role in starting and growing esports teams in two large urban school districts. He actively promotes esports as being a medium to something more for students beyond the games. His podcast, The Academy of Esports delves into topics surrounding esports and education and connecting into powerful ideas to increase student agency, motivation, and college and career pathways. James is a doctoral candidate at Northern Illinois University in the field of instructional technology and a mostly retired rugby player.